B CSL & BA has acquired a state of the art Integrated Debt Management & Collection System (IDMCS) with capabilities to automate the collection process from inception until closure of debt file due to Full and Final Settlement.

The Boresha Credit Integrated Debt Management & Collection System (IDMCS) is a dynamic and versatile credit management system that is locally designed to suit the Kenyan market in the recovery of the various types of financial credit facilities. This include:

Mobile loans

Unsecured Loans

Education loans/Helb loans

CARD Loans

Asset Financing



Commercial sector (buy on credit

Other accounts receivable

T he platform is well structured to help in the recovery of such facilities (in defaulting/arrears status) in full. To achieve this, the platform is enhanced with the following modules that are essential for the collection process:

Tele-collection module

File manipulation module

Private Investigation/Skip-trace module

Finance module

Reporting module

Automated Call Centre Integration module

Bulk SMS module

Data storage/bulk uploading and updating module

Field collection module

Remote Access module

System set-up module

Our Collection Process

While many other firms move rapidly towards the courts and legal recourse, we take careful and measured approach that gets results swiftly and in more cost-effective manner. We pay special attention to case study, evaluation and assessment, establishing communication with them and then planning a recovery with a case-based strategy. We are not tied down to a particular method of collection.We focus on the following collection process from the time of outsource to full debt settlement;

1. Verification of outsourced files to meet our internal collection needs as per our outsourcing template document

2. Uploading and Allocation of outsource and sending system automated bulk SMS notifying customer of the outsourced facility

3. Tele-collection process for a specified period based on the collection daily update of specific debt files

4. Private investigation and asset tracing of non-performing debt files

5. Field collection visits

6. Continued field visits until the facility is fully recovered.

Integrated Call Centre Solution (ICCS)

In 2019, BORESHA focused more on expansion and investing in technology to run its debt management at a more futuristic and business intelligence focused reporting. This has seen Boresha Credit install and implement a robust call centre system that is fully integrated with the existing Integrated Debt Management & Collection System (IDMCS); making it an all-round debt management system for a modern collection shop with the following capabilities:

1. Enable agents to make an average of 150 calls per day making them capable to handle over 3,600 customers in a month. This is expected to increase out successful customer hit rate to over 97% of the portfolio held by an agent in any given month.

2. Call recording, replay and audio file export capabilities raising our agents’ quality assurance to customers and integrity. This has helped us in training our agents on proper communication and customer relationship.

3. Multiple inbound/outbound calling capabilities raising our agent’s capability to make and receive calls simultaneously. This has raised our calls per agent per day from the current 70 calls to 150 calls per day.

4.Due to increase in calling efficiency and hit rate per agent per month; our agent ACR ratio is expected to rise by over 60% hence increasing our overall portfolio handling capabilities to over 15billion with the current number of agents.


BCSL & BA believes in authenticated and integral reporting as the best way to frequently report to client on collection progress. The reporting is on weekly and monthly basis depending on the type of report required. Below is a list of some of the reports expected;

1. Promise to Pay (PTP) Reports

2. Month To Date (MTD) Reports

3. Streaming Reports

4. Progress Reports

5. Collection Reports

6. Portfolio reports (both active/closed)

7. Debt Cards

8. Other reports from the intergrated call centre as requested by the client.